Em Lengly Vs Petch Arun (Thai), 25 August 2018 - Fights Zone

Em Lengly Vs Petch Arun (Thai), 25 August 2018

Em Lengly is a boxer from Thmorkol Por Senchey facing face boxer on Ganzberg Top Fighter on Saturday, August 25, 2018.

Pon Chey Pon Sen Chey was caught up with Thai boxer Petch Arun (Pheach Arun). They both compete in the weight of 71kg.

Petch Arun has been there many times in Cambodia. The Thai boxer with Em Lengly is unaware that Em Lengly is a boxing fighter.

Petch Arun, who defeated the 911 Parachute Brigade, defeated Meas Phearom of the 2nd navy in the second round. However, the Thai boxer came to Long Sophy 5 times 1-1 and lost 3 of Sophy. Pheach Aroun has scored 96 goals, 83 wins, 13 losses, and no draw. The Thai boxer has only been able to compete for the first time, Falling in with the new Em Lengly.

Petch Arun's touch with Em Lengly may be difficult, as Em Lengly has just over 30 appearances, but he has only four boxing titles and just lost five. However, Em Lengly is also cautious for this tournament. So, what's the winner between Em Lengly and Petch Arun? .
Em Lengly Vs Petch Arun (Thai), 25 August 2018 Em Lengly Vs Petch Arun (Thai), 25 August 2018 Reviewed by Fights Zone on August 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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