Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Phakao, Bayon boxing, 8 April 2018, Knockout | Fights Zone - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Phakao, Bayon boxing, 8 April 2018, Knockout | Fights Zone

Pich Seyha scored third round knock out over Pakaw Dabpong191 in an electrified battle. The Takeo fighter just lost his chance to clain the first tittle of his career by losing twice in the hands of Watcharalek Or. Kwanmuang and Raseesing Wor. Wiwathananon. In his fighting career spanning over a decade Seyha still can't enable himself to be a champion. Be a champion or not, he's still a popular fighter in the heart of Cambodian fans. The victory over Topking fighter proved he's still a great warrior.
Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Phakao, Bayon boxing, 8 April 2018, Knockout | Fights Zone Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Phakao, Bayon boxing, 8 April 2018, Knockout | Fights Zone Reviewed by Fights Zone on April 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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