Vong Noy Vs Khunkrongtheb (Thai), 27 Oct 2018 - Fights Zone

Vong Noy Vs Khunkrongtheb (Thai), 27 Oct 2018

Vong Noy and Khunkrongtheb, they have never competed. Vong Noy is well prepared for this fight with Khunkrongtheb. Vong Noy, meanwhile, may have been more vigilant for the Thai boxer to have a hard time winning, as compared to Vong Noy's record record of 181 wins, 123 wins, 53 wins. And four times, Khunkrongtheb also struggled to win Vong Noy.

However, Vong Nui does not despise Khunkrongtheb, because the Thai boxer, although he has less history, the Thai boxer is not so simple as he crosses the peninsula, Win once again confirms that he is not bad. Khunkrongtheb is a great player in Thailand, winning 72 times, 47 wins, 22 losses, and three draws, and has broken 8 fires. Should Vong Noy overcome this Khunkrongtheb?
Vong Noy Vs Khunkrongtheb (Thai), 27 Oct 2018 Vong Noy Vs Khunkrongtheb (Thai), 27 Oct 2018 Reviewed by Fights Zone on October 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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