Kun Khmer, Keo Rucmhong Vs Chalermdeth (Thai), 2 Sep 2018 | Fights Zone - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Keo Rucmhong Vs Chalermdeth (Thai), 2 Sep 2018 | Fights Zone

Keo Rumchong, a boxer from Tambong Kronhounh Mearith, was paired with Thai boxer Chalermdatch Sor.Tawanrung on Sunday night, September 2, 2018 in the Bayon contests of Steung Mean Chey. The fighters compete in the 75kg weight category.

Chalermdatch has been in Cambodia for two times, with the first time (October 25, 2015), a second knockout in the second round and the second time (February 07, 2016) scored the same points. Ung Pheak, boxing club, 911 paratrooper brigade.
However, the Thai boxer is unusual because he has three title belts, he has 83 goals, 60 wins, 21 draws and 2 draws, and he has beaten his opponent. The 16-boxers were quoted as saying that Chalermdatch had a good and strong boxing experience and that his experience on the field was not unusual.

Chalermdatch, a veteran boxer, used to have a reputation for singing in Thai before, but for the present, he is not a regular and hard-working practitioner like Keo Rumchong. The Thai boxer, however, came to Keo Rumchong, not sure how good he was, because the Thai boxers, who had previously claimed to be a great champion, were also able to beat Keo Rumchong.

Keo Rumchong has scored 133 goals, including 117, lost 12 and four draws, and Keo Rumchong has had 16 knockouts. In the last match, Keo Rumchong defeated Thai boxing player Takunsingha on 10 August. Keo Rumchong is very strong and quick to fight, and his opponent is hard to resist. So, let's see who won in this first encounter between Keo Rumchong and Chalermdatch. .
Kun Khmer, Keo Rucmhong Vs Chalermdeth (Thai), 2 Sep 2018 | Fights Zone Kun Khmer, Keo Rucmhong Vs Chalermdeth (Thai), 2 Sep 2018 | Fights Zone Reviewed by Fights Zone on September 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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