Kun Khmer, Lao Chetra Vs Khunpholnoy (Thai), 22 July 2018 | Fights Zone - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Lao Chetra Vs Khunpholnoy (Thai), 22 July 2018 | Fights Zone

Lao Chetra, a 911 paratrooper brigade, will be meeting with Laotian boxer Khunpholnoy Surarith, both of whom meet in the weight of 60kg.

Khunpholnoy is a boxer in Laos. Khunpholnoy has never played in Cambodia before. However, the Laotian boxer may not have been chewing thumbs of Lao Chetra, because Chetra has a better technique through their past games.

Lao Chetra has beaten many Thai fighters, especially in nearly 40 matches with Thailand, losing only two of the last two seasons. Chetra has experienced both good and bad tricks, tricks, and physics. Can be trusted to overcome the Khunpholnoy boxer.

However, for the Lao Chetra game, he does not dare to say before that Lao Chetra will win Khunpholnoy, as the Lao Boxing Federation is not too poor. Lao Chetra in the final, he defeated Thai Farshoot shai in the second round on July 6, 2018.

The fight between national boxers, Chan Vibh, the Nou Rok Meanchey club will meet with Sim Sam, Vutha Sopheak, Khan Chbar Ampov. The two meet in a 60-kg weight category. Between them, nobody can predict who will win the losing. Let's see if Chanvirith can win Sim Sam?

Kun Khmer, Lao Chetra Vs Khunpholnoy (Thai), 22 July 2018 | Fights Zone Kun Khmer, Lao Chetra Vs Khunpholnoy (Thai), 22 July 2018 | Fights Zone Reviewed by Fights Zone on July 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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