Kun Khmer, Yuk Yeak Plae Vs Thai, Phetsila, SEATV boxing, 02 June 2018 |... - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Yuk Yeak Plae Vs Thai, Phetsila, SEATV boxing, 02 June 2018 |...

Ultimately, the tough competition that took place at Channel 5 in the February 3 play-off event was over, with the first round of the day's competition, Famous Hungry Giants and Black Rounds, all of them famous and experienced Long years. The match, which was noted as a good mix between good and good players, players from Battambang Province, Battambang Province, was the winner after he announced Openly accepting to drop the vegetable garden work for the past two months. The battle between Juicom Giant and Kampuchea Black is considered to be a high-intensity playoff and between top players There's a lot of similarities between the two. Between the two, whoever comes up does not differ, as both players are capable and, in the technical aspects of the tournament, are not the same, so the contact between them has been disappointed by the visitors. One shrugs off the blade, no chance to go up. Seng Kardek called their meeting a "coincidental" incident because of the draw. He said that among the new players, there are 32 new players including new veteran and new legs Show interest in the start and then both of you in the first round. He said that if the lottery draws against each other, then the two will automatically go through the same stages, especially when it comes to the players The newest of 32.
Kun Khmer, Yuk Yeak Plae Vs Thai, Phetsila, SEATV boxing, 02 June 2018 |... Kun Khmer, Yuk Yeak Plae Vs Thai, Phetsila, SEATV boxing, 02 June 2018 |... Reviewed by Fights Zone on June 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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