Kun Khmer, Thun Chantak Vs Thai, Yodpetch Ek, CNC boxing, 4 March 2018, ... - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Thun Chantak Vs Thai, Yodpetch Ek, CNC boxing, 4 March 2018, ...

Thun Chantak is currently receiving a lot of support from Cambodian boxing lovers with his skillful use of tactics, especially as he prefers to use his punching arms and elbows to get out of hand to defeat his opponent, combined with his strong force, causing local and international players to surrender. The last one of the last seasons was dropped by scoring a rival.

Boxing trackers say Thun Chantak will face Thai boxer Yod Pheth Ek in the 63.5kg world championship, if Thun Chantak does not win the match, but if he fights in the same way, he will lose to Thai players. What if Thun Chantak can beat Thai Yod Pheth Ek?

Kun Khmer, Thun Chantak Vs Thai, Yodpetch Ek, CNC boxing, 4 March 2018, ... Kun Khmer, Thun Chantak Vs Thai, Yodpetch Ek, CNC boxing, 4 March 2018, ... Reviewed by Fights Zone on March 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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