Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Aroondeth M16, Bayon boxing, 28 Jan 2018 | Fights Zone - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Aroondeth M16, Bayon boxing, 28 Jan 2018 | Fights Zone

Seiha Diamond Pie is really strong for fights last night because of the star A sexy performer has been supporting the fights. Regarding the appearance of the female star to support the ring, Diamond Seiha said that there really is a female actress to support Yes, when he competed in the Southeast Asian Games last night. The actress, named Ali, is a famous and sexy actress.   Seyha confirmed that he had been known for about a half years, when he went to see In the cage battle of Bayon, she also met when the actress visited the game. He has been counted as a brother, so that's why she has to support the arena. Last night, actor Ali came to Pich Seiha to the ring and posted several pictures when he With this boxing star, he wrote about supporting Cambodian sports. Last night, Pich Seiha competed in the Thai league.
Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Aroondeth M16, Bayon boxing, 28 Jan 2018 | Fights Zone Kun Khmer, Pich Seyha Vs Thai, Aroondeth M16, Bayon boxing, 28 Jan 2018 | Fights Zone Reviewed by Fights Zone on January 28, 2018 Rating: 5
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