Kun Khmer, Chhoeun Chhaiden Vs Thai, Lerthavee Mor Phuwana, Bayon boxing, 17 Dec 2017 | Fights Zone - Fights Zone

Kun Khmer, Chhoeun Chhaiden Vs Thai, Lerthavee Mor Phuwana, Bayon boxing, 17 Dec 2017 | Fights Zone

If you want to be a league or a regular international friend, then the ability of each player is captured Let Wai. This is a quote from Chhoeun Chai-dom, a frequent player of Wai international. Chhoeun Chai-dan said that he had been playing twice a month but now it's possible Twenty-two days ago, because the terminal has a lot of contests. With regard to having a chance to compete internationally, Said that because of the high capacity. On the other hand, strong Cambodian players are not so much so they can see the same players. However, Chhoeun Chai-dom is seen as having not had much better results in the international competition, He still has a chance to compete internationally. He is a boxer from Noumak Meanchey Club.
Kun Khmer, Chhoeun Chhaiden Vs Thai, Lerthavee Mor Phuwana, Bayon boxing, 17 Dec 2017 | Fights Zone Kun Khmer, Chhoeun Chhaiden Vs Thai, Lerthavee Mor Phuwana, Bayon boxing, 17 Dec 2017 | Fights Zone Reviewed by Fights Zone on December 17, 2017 Rating: 5
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